Over the weekend someone said to me – you are so lucky to live in a city devoid of long commutes and traffic jams.

And I was like – whoa buddy! it’s not luck, it’s a life I have chosen for myself.

I have chosen to live in a city so small that even the farthest points are no more than 12 minutes apart.

Even if it means living in a place that has no malls, no pubs, no night life. In fact, till a decade ago no multiplex.

Even if it means missing out on stuff like theatre, bookshops, malls, trade fairs and coffee shops, which were an integral part of my life before that.

It’s a conscious choice I have for myself, and please don’t demean it by calling it luck.

Because I have designed it to be present in my life.

Always make choices that allow you to be in the right time at the right time for the lady luck to smile upon you.

She also likes it when someone is intentional about inviting her!!


Which decision in the past has led to you being “lucky” later on?

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