Yes, mental peace, not mentally being in pieces, is necessary for a happy, fulfilling and satiated life.

Number of studies, research and experiments over the years has found that mental peace helps in:

  • working with energy
  • facing challenges confidently
  • reducing stress and anxiety levels
  • being in the right frame of mind to make better choices

Unfortunately, in the modern fast-paced stress-inducing digital world, finding mental peace is very difficult.

So how do we gain this elusive mental peace?

No, I am not going to launch a discourse on meditation and positive thinking. They do help, but there are easier things that we mere mortals can do instead.

As James Clear points out in a recent newsletter, here are a few simple ways to have a peaceful moment:

  • Close your eyes and just breathe for two minutes.
  • Leave your phone in another room for an hour.
  • Watch a cloud form and then dissolve.
  • Stand in the sunshine and notice how it warms your skin.
  • Light a candle and watch the flame dance.

What would you add to this list?

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