Not all types of procrastination are the same.

Some are really harmless.

Such as when there is something more interesting and fun that you would rather do.

Or you have enough time to finish something and so you delay.

But there is one category of procrastination you should always avoid.

When it impacts your long term goals negatively.

The moment you feel like procrastinating, do a “what-if” analysis.

No task is in a bubble of its own. It is always a part of the larger picture.

A goal you have set for yourself.

Be it career, financial, relationship, parenting or some other goal.

So ask yourself –

What if I didn’t do “X”

and keep asking till you reach the ultimate goal for doing this task.

And then see if you care about the impact procrastination on “X” has on the goal.

That’s all for today.

No action step, just a reminder to think about all the goals you have set for yourself.

And consider if everything you invest your time in, takes you closer to it.

Adios Amigos!

P.S.: Any questions? Or want to share thoughts on this? Comment to let me know

Part 1: The Beast Called Procrastination

Part 2: There is Only One Reason We Procrastinate

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