Have you ever wondered how is it that you struggle to meet deadlines and family expectations when the woman next door (literally!) seems to be crushing it all at office, home and monthly all-girls parties?

That’s the effect of time management.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. When you manage those 24 hours successfully, you fulfill all your personal and professional responsibilities, and then have some time left over for friends, hobbies and self-care.

Yes, it’s possible. 24 hours are enough for everything that you wish to do in a day.

You just need to accept that time management plays a crucial role in our daily lives, as it directly impacts personal and professional success. Effect of time management is not just increased efficiency or productivity at work but also your overall well-being and happiness.

What is the Effect of Time Management

Some people feel that taking out “time” for learning and implementing time management techniques will generate more backlog of tasks.

But it’s really the opposite. When you learn to manage your time effectively, you finish off the pending tasks and the backlog disappears slowly but definitely.

The first time I started tracking time and using Pomodoro technique was when I was neck deep in an Email Writing project, and of course struggling to keep up with the deadlines.

So let’s explore the positive effects of time management.

Increased Productivity

In a positive way. Where you are actually getting things done and not just being busy with tasks.

When you manage your time effectively, you can accomplish more tasks in a shorter period. This is because you:

  • Set clear goals
  • Work according to priorities
  • Create a structured schedule
  • Reduce time spent on unimportant tasks
  • Minimize procrastination and distractions

These practices end up optimizing our day, whether we are spending it on office work, study, self-care or just chilling out. You can see for yourself how this leads to increased productivity and also a sense of balance and accomplishment.

Reduced Stress

This is something I can vouch for with both hands raised. Time management can significantly reduce stress levels by:

  • Allowing for better work-life balance
  • Providing a sense of control over our schedule
  • Ensuring adequate time for rest and relaxation
  • Preventing last-minute rushes and deadline pressure

By following a well-planned time management strategy, you can cope with daily demands more effectively, leading to reduced stress, improved mental well-being and better self-care.

Improved Decision Making

This is a direct fallout of reduced stress levels, because it is well known that stress leads to bad decisions. Efficient time management also contributes to better decision-making in other way because it:

  • Encourages proactive thinking and problem-solving
  • Helps avoid hasty or unwise choices due to time pressure
  • Provides enough time for thorough research and evaluation of options

By allocating your time wisely, you can take steps that enhance your decision-making abilities, which have a long-lasting impact on your work-life balance.

Better Work Life Balance

Time management techniques help you in setting priorities for both personal and professional tasks, and allocating required time for each. Since you have better control over your own time, you can establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, which contributes to a better work life balance.

Since I started using time management techniques such as time blocking, Pomodoro, Eisenhower matrix, GTD, etc. to enhance my productivity, it allowed me to complete tasks within my designated work hours. Which further ensured that my work never infringed on my personal time and I could do whatever I wanted to in that time, be it cooking, reading, relaxing or playing scrabble.

4 Techniques to Maximize Effect of Time Management

There are many time management techniques but not all will have the same impact. Because the technique that really works depends on your preferences (how you want to work) and your unique situations. But still, there are a few techniques that you must start with, to start seeing the effect of time management in your day-to-day life.

Setting SMART Goals

The foundation of effective time management lies in setting SMART goals. These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Here is a quick rundown of what SMART goals are:

  1. Specific: Define your goals clearly and concisely. Vague goals are difficult to achieve.
  2. Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for tracking your progress and reaching your goals.
  3. Achievable: Ensure your goals are realistic and attainable within your capabilities.
  4. Relevant: Align your goals with your priorities and ensure they hold value in your life.
  5. Time-bound: Set deadlines to keep yourself accountable and motivated to achieve your goals.

Know More: Are You Setting SMART Goals

Prioritizing Tasks

After setting your goals, it’s essential to prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadline. This can be done using various methods, such as:

  • Eisenhower Matrix: This method categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. Focus on tasks in the Important/Urgent quadrant before moving on to the Important/Not urgent quadrant.
  • ABC Method: Assign tasks a letter from A (most important) to C (least important). Focus on completing A tasks before moving on to B and C tasks.
  • Pareto Principle: This rule states that 20% of your efforts produce 80% of your results. Identify the tasks that will have the most significant impact and focus on those.

Delegation of Responsibilities

Delegating tasks is a critical aspect of time management, whether in team or at home. To effectively delegate, follow these steps:

  1. Identify tasks: Determine which tasks can be delegated to others without compromising the quality of your work.
  2. Select people you can delegate to: Choose people with the appropriate skills and experience to complete the tasks.
  3. Communicate expectations: Clearly explain the task, goals, deadlines and any expectations you have.
  4. Monitor progress: Regularly check in and provide support to ensure work is completed to the expected level.
  5. Acknowledge effort: Recognize and appreciate the effort of those who have assisted you in completing tasks.

Know More: Importance of Time Management in Delegation

Impact of Poor Time Management

Every coin has a flip side. And this post will be incomplete if I do not talk about the effect of poor time management or lack of any time management at all.


Poor time management often leads to procrastination. When individuals fail to prioritize tasks and allocate appropriate time for completing them, they tend to put off tasks until the last minute. This can lead to:

  • Increased stress: Delaying tasks until the last minute can cause a significant amount of stress and anxiety, as individuals scramble to meet deadlines.
  • Poor quality of work: Procrastination often results in rushed work, leading to a decrease in the quality of the final output.

Know More: The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Procrastination [2023 Edition]

Decreased Efficiency

Inefficiency is another consequence of poor time management. When individuals struggle to manage their time effectively, they:

  • Waste time: Poor time management can result in the loss of valuable time, as individuals may spend excessive time on unimportant tasks or frequently switch between tasks.
  • Fail to meet deadlines: The inability to set priorities and allocate sufficient time to complete tasks often leads to missed deadlines.

Negative Impact on Health

Poor time management negatively impacts your mental and physical health. Some of the health consequences that may arise include:

  • Chronic stress: Constantly struggling to meet deadlines and manage tasks can lead to elevated stress levels, which have been linked to various health issues, such as heart disease and depression.
  • Sleep deprivation: If you do not effectively manage time you may need to sacrifice sleep to complete tasks. This leads to fatigue and a decline in cognitive function.

Ready for Good Effects of Time Management?

You must have understood by now that as a professional and a working mom, mastering time management is more than just an essential skill—it’s a lifesaver. By prioritizing tasks, creating clear work-life boundaries and harnessing efficient strategies, you unlock a world of reduced stress, increased productivity and more quality time for yourself and your loved ones.

Start small, perhaps with a simple to-do list or a time blocking technique, and watch as it fosters a healthier balance between your professional and personal lives. Remember, each step towards better time management is a step towards a more fulfilled, balanced and empowered life.

Let’s begin this rewarding journey today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the effect of time management on productivity?

Good time management techniques can significantly impact productivity. By effectively setting goals, prioritising personal and professional tasks and allocating sufficient time to each task, you can increase your overall effectiveness in a shorter time frame. This allows for the completion of more tasks, thereby improving productivity.

Does time management have stress reduction benefits?

Stress often results from feeling overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. Effective time management can help alleviate that stress by providing a clear plan for how to tackle tasks. Keeping track of deadlines, setting realistic goals and allocating sufficient time for tasks reduces the risk of feeling stressed or burnt out.

Does time management help academic performance improvement?

For students, good time management skills can help improve academic performance. Planning study sessions, breaking complex tasks into smaller parts, and prioritizing tasks can lead to better understanding of subjects and higher grades. Additionally, time management allows for the appropriate balance of study, extracurricular activities, and relaxation.

How to get efficiency in achieving goals?

Time management promotes efficiency in achieving goals by helping you prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively. With clear goals and using effective time management techniques, you can focus on what needs to be done and avoid distractions, which ultimately leads to more efficient progress towards those goals.

Does time management help in procrastination reduction?

Procrastination often results from poor time management. Because we do not have a list pf tasks we could take up next, we tend to waste time in doing unimportant things. Time management helps us to create a schedule, set achievable goals and utilize various time management techniques to minimize the likelihood of procrastination.

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